Friday, April 29, 2011


Living at the Olympic Training Center, I have seen my fair share of amazing athletes, as well as performances.  But it wasn't until yesterday that I was a witness to something beyond extraordinary.  I had the privilege of watching one of our blind paraolympic runners get on a BMX bike and ride part of the course here at the Center.  Now, maybe I should let you know that this is a course where most people with their vision are too scared to ride. But not Lex, no King LEX walked it once, then began to riding. . . gaining speed with each pass he took.  As I stood there and watched in awe I couldn't help but think of how scary this must be for him, and the danger he was putting himself in.  But he went for it.  He didn't let the fear control him!!!

The video attached is what Arielle Martin (BMX World Cup Champion) put together.  The song playing in the background is one that Lex wrote after walking the course with Arielle This past fall.